Beauty and youth

Beloved, as her heart triggered enthusiasm blossoms to bloom within me unlike that of time which falls upon a withering increased if real love is not located. I consume alcohol from the abundant water fountains of Athos where my heart streams freely with amorous care. Gotten by poise, a celebrity of benign light shall fall before her and a bright angel shall inform her privileged spirit. Her method resembles that of a pleasant tune, to anything that breathes the air extracted from the heights of heaven. Traces of her interest are located within me with a gold harp playing the lots of tones of love. In between two fifty percents of the skies there the portal of heaven available to the Portal of Paradise. Causing the true ways of her heart where the transformation of her temporal spirit to an angel might take place before God. Bringing praises to her spirit with solid chords and angelic voices vocal singing holy lyrics from the book of light. Her secret is in the eyes of the mirror, the light of the sun and her heart enjoys with fierceness that could tremble the columns regarding the city of David. The globe is quiet prior to her standing at the path of the horizon. Where the flowers of the lotus, bloom into love motivating arrowheads. Where words of love by an experienced scribe put an end to the Poet’s of Athena’s message. O’ my dear of never-ceasing rapture who springs lakes of fire in her eyes, register preeminences in a recap of splendor. Signs of life stroll the surprise course to her city where resplendence stands under her canopy, bearing wings. The type of a mortal, she who is seen, proceeds from the stars, wonderful Siren whose flesh sends forth such light.


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